Monday, April 2, 2007

Enroll for the Arabic Course, NOW!

The importance of learning Arabic in order to understand Qur'an, hadeeth and Islam cannot be stressed enough. Here is Khutbah of Muhammad AlShareef on the topic.

Alhumdulillah! we have started Arabic course which you can attend from the comfort of your home.

Language of instruction is Urdu.

All you need is:
1. Loads of commitment and sincerity. Less than 5% of the students who enroll for Arabic course stick till the end.
2. Internet Connection with bandwidth > 128Kbps and Skype software (download from here, it's free)
3. Book "Lessons in Arabic Language..." by Dr. V Abdur Raheem, which is used at Madeenah Unversity for teaching Arabic. Easily available from your local Islamic book store, If you are not able to get it, here is the pdf which you can print.
4. in that order :-)

Course Timings:
Saturday and Sunday Morning 9 AM IST (.i.e. GMT + 5:30)

What if I don't have internet/PC?
- Let us know your address, We will try to find out place near you where you can attend..
- Attend from CyberCafe (Reliance Webworld etc) which has atleast 128 Kbps speed. It shouldn't be more than Rs 30/Hour.

Yes! I'm ready to take up this challenge...InshaAllah
Send blank email with "arabic course" in the subject to to enroll.

No, because....
Before even you think of an(y) excuse, ask yourself sincerely;
Didn't I spent years learning languages for duniya, Is 2 hours a week too much in order to understand what Allah and his messenger have to say ?

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